Cryptocurrency, Ico, Bitcoin, Blokchain

Beyond Seen Screen – Platform Provides Information Interactive Related to Videos You Watch

Halo semua, Bitcoiner di seluruh dunia, saya akan menyajikan analisis ICO yang menarik, berjudul Beyond Seen Screen, berdasarkan beberapa kriteria, silakan lihat yang berikut:

Gambaran umum

Layanan yang diberikan oleh Beyond Screen platform adalah kemampuan bagi klien untuk memberikan informasi interaktif yang terkait dengan konten yang ditonton pemirsa. Agar klien tertarik menggunakan layanan ini, platform harus memiliki basis pengguna yang solid. Mengemudi pemirsa untuk menggunakan platform adalah tantangan pemasaran dan PR, tetapi visi Beyond Screen adalah untuk mengubah cara data tentang penggunaan platform disajikan kepada publik. Beyond Seen Screen akan membuat data tentang penggunaan global platform terbuka untuk umum dan transparan tentang hal itu, sementara pada saat yang sama, menjaga privasi pengguna Beyond Seen Screen individu. Beyond Seen Screen ingin memanfaatkan kekuatan teknologi blockchain sebagai catatan publik tentang jangkauan platform Beyond Seen Screen, kunjungi  informasi lebih lanjut.Permukaan yang Terlihat Selanjutnya akan membuka data tentang penggunaan platformnya dengan menyimpan data ini ke dalam blockchain. Setelah data ini tersedia untuk umum di blockchain akan memungkinkan verifikasi independen dari tayangan yang disediakan oleh platform. Ini juga akan memungkinkan pandangan permanen ke dalam sejarah penggunaan platform dan bagaimana perubahan yang berbeda pada fitur platform, keandalan, skalabilitas, optimalisasi kinerja dan model bisnis mengubah popularitas platform dan penggunaannya.


Imagine that you are watching a film, on any screen, based on a true story and that you are interested in details about those true events. Imagine that you are watching a music video and you want to know where the artist is on tour and where to buy tickets for their concert. Imagine you want to quickly get to the recipe that chef is preparing on your favorite cooking show. If you are a person who believes that this information should be easy to access, you are thinking like Beyond Seen Screen.

Beyond Seen Screen (BSS) enables you to use your smartphone or tablet to scan any video content on any screen to easily and quickly get information related to that content. All you need to do is focus your mobile device to your video content and get the information you want. It is that simple.

  • Entertainment and information

Effortless access to content related games, bloopers, interviews, VR/AR experience, etc. Enrich live content on second screen with scoreboards, replays, polls, etc.

  • Seamless shopping

Products and services from the video content are available for direct online shopping.

  • Unleash creativity

Receive token reward from platform for contributing high quality content for others to enjoy.

  • Permission marketing

Engage your viewers through permission marketing and personalization, increase your marketing effectiveness and generate new revenue streams.


Beyond Seen Screen enables you to use your smartphone or tablet to scan any video content on any screen to easily and quickly get in depth information related to that content. All you need to do is focus your smartphone to your video content and get the information you want.

Beyond Seen Screen creates a new industry that provides interactivity with the video content.

● Interactivity with TV-related content.

● Interactivity with Online Shopping video content providing a streamlined experience.

● Interactivity with web based video content (YouTube, Youku, Sling, etc.).

● Interactivity with the advertising and promotional content displayed on city screens and touristic panels.

● Interactivity with video content displayed on any screen, anywhere (shopping centers,conferences, fairs, transportation stations, airports, etc.).


BSSX is a utility token of the BSS platform. Main use of the token is paying for platform use and rewarding contributions to the platform.

Name : BSSX

Token standard : ERC20

Total supply : 348.000.000 BSSX

Soft cap : 2.000 ETH

Hard cap : 12.000 ETH

Currency accepted : ETH

Minimum participation : 0.1 ETH

Crowdsale start date : To be announced

Crowdsale end date : To be announced

Token distribution

Use of funds


The goal of scale for Beyond Seen Screen is to have a platform that is used by millions of users. To help the platform grow, Beyond Seen Screen will use the BSSX tokens to reward clients who contribute high quality content to the platform and community members who promote the platform. Beyond Seen Screen will operate a monthly client rewarding program where the clients with the highest view count from month to month will receive a reward from the platform in the form of BSSX tokens. The Beyond Seen Screen platform’s ultimate goal is to grow in user engagement. Rewarding clients that provide content with the most views is an additional incentive for clients to make the content they provide interesting and relevant to content viewers,visit

BSSX token will be used by the following groups of users:

● Clients

● Users

● Platform

● Community


Mario Drevenšek

CEO & co-founder

Miroslav Zarić

COO & co-founder

Krešimir Puljić

CTO & co-founder


Vanja Čas


Mark G. Davis

Media and advertising industry consultant

Goran Repinc

Backend developer

Drago Špoljarić

Computer vision specialist

Jason Tolliver

Community manager

Juanluis Lozano

Web developer

Oleg Weisz

Video production specialist

Zvonimir Košćak

Graphics designer

Saba Stančič

Digital strategist

Ante Jukić

Backend developer

Dorijan Palić

Graphics designer


Dubravko Merlić

Advisor, media industry

Nikica Tomašić

Advisor, ICO strategy

Paddy Tan

Advisor, strategy

Vlaho Hrdalo

Advisor, legal

Mark Morgan

Advisor, business

Goran Gvozden

Advisor, media industry

Vedran Brničević

Advisor, business

Tilen Šarlah


Peter Merc

Advisor, legal

Nina Kranjec

Advisor, legal

Špela Brezavšček

Advisor, PR

Nejc Urankar

Advisor, legal


Nov 2016

First fully functional version of platform deployed to the cloud. Functional Android app developed

Apr 2017

Technical readiness level (TRL) 6 attained

Sep 2017

Attended IBC Startup Forum in Amsterdam

Nov 2017

Technical readiness level (TRL) 7 attained

Dec 2017

Preparation for ICO started

Q3 2018

Platform publicly available, product marketing campaign

Q4 2018

Customer portal, improved social aspects of platform, improved shopping experience

Q1 2019

iOS app, analytics, geolocation based targeting

Q2 2019

Smartphone screen as input

Q3 2019

Interactions personalized to user preferences and traits, client based custom layouts, improved screen detection

Q4 2019

Beyond Seen Screen linked to live video content

Q1 2020

TV integration

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Nama pengguna: Ta.Form

Tautan Profil:;u=1109350

Alamat Eth: 0xaFA49103b15834D6bCF6ac5a2664b0c85e379b4E

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